by Winfried Dietz (Dietz Consultants) FMEA evaluations: Discussing severity, occurrence, detection effectively in team meetings and taking decisions. The core of risk analysis (5th Step of the VDA/AIAG FMEA Handbook 2019) is the application of evaluation tables to risk assessment. The conceptual models for FMEA evaluation are presented below.
Allocating prevention and detection controls to an evaluationread more
The load with Special Characteristics in FMEAread more
by Dr. Uwe-Klaus Jarosch (Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH) How does FMEA help to determine Special Characteristics? A proposed solution. FMEAs describe technology. Special Characteristics (SC) are required in some industries, such as to add technological exclamation marks. The article presents how the FMEA tool helps to determine SC with 3 additional rules.
System Safety - Holistic view by means of the FMEAread more
by Dr. Adam Schnellbach (AVL List GmbH) Modern mechatronic systems can lead to a wide variety of hazards. These in turn often belong to different and partially overlapping security domains. The following article on "System Safety" examines whether and how an integrated FMEA can map all of these domains.
Error-free productionread more
Dieter Hellwig (Purchasing Quality and Technology Experts and Methods (M/PQT10.1) | Robert Bosch GmbH) How can we maximise the benefit of FMEA for the company? E.g. by minimisation of complaints from new projects, for instance.
PDCA FMEA Plan do check actread more
Methodology of the Parameter Diagram (P-Diagram)read more